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Azure Data Factory

Azure data engineers are responsible for data-related tasks that include provisioning data storage services, batch data and ingesting streaming, implementing security requirements, transforming data, implementing data retention policies, identifying performance bottlenecks, and accessing external data sources. In the world of big data, raw, unorganized data is often stored in relational, non-relational, and other storage systems. However, on its own, raw data doesn't have the proper context or meaning to provide meaningful insights to analysts, data scientists, or business decision makers.

Big data requires a service that can orchestrate and operationalize processes to refine these enormous stores of raw data into actionable business insights. Azure Data Factory Training in Hyderabad is a managed cloud service that's built for these complex hybrid extract-transform-load (ETL), extract-load-transform (ELT), and data integration projects.

For example, imagine a gaming company that collects petabytes of game logs that are produced by games in the cloud. The company wants to analyze these logs to gain insights into customer preferences, demographics, and usage behavior. It also wants to identify up-sell and cross-sell opportunities, develop compelling new features, drive business growth, and provide a better experience to its customers.

To analyze these logs, the company needs to use reference data such as customer information, game information, and marketing campaign information that is in an on-premises data store. The company wants to utilize this data from the on-premises data store, combining it with additional log data that it has in a cloud data store.

To extract insights, it hopes to process the joined data by using a Spark cluster in the cloud (Azure HDInsight), and publish the transformed data into a cloud data warehouse such as Azure Synapse Analytics to easily build a report on top of it. They want to automate this workflow, and monitor and manage it on a daily schedule. They also want to execute it when files land in a blob store container.

Best ADF Training in Hyderabd is the platform that solves such data scenarios. It is the cloud-based ETL and data integration service that allows you to create data-driven workflows for orchestrating data movement and transforming data at scale. Using Azure Data Factory, you can create and schedule data-driven workflows (called pipelines) that can ingest data from disparate data stores. You can build complex ETL processes that transform data visually with data flows or by using compute services such as Azure HDInsight Hadoop, Azure Databricks, and Azure SQL Database.

Azure Data Factory Course Curriculum

Module 1: Azure Data Factory Introduction

  • What is Azure Data Factory(ADF)?
  • Azure Data Factory Key Components
    • Pipeline
    • Activity
    • Linked Service
    • Data Set
    • Integration Runtime
    • Triggers
    • Data Flows
  • Create Azure Bolb Storage Account
  • Create Azure data lake Storage Gen2 Account
  • Create Azure SQL Database
  • Creation of Azure Data Factory Resourse

Module 3 : Azure Data Factory- General Activities

  • Lookup Activity
  • Get Metadata Activity
  • Stored Procedure Activity
  • Execute Pipeline Activity
  • Delete Activity
  • Set Variable Activity
  • Script Activity
  • Validation Activity
  • Web Activity
  • Wait Activity
  • Understanding of Each Activity
  • Filter Activity

Module 5 : Azure Data Factory - Types of Integration Runtimes

  • Azure IR (Auto Resolve Integration Runtime)
  • Selfhosted IR

Module 2: Working with Copy Data Activity

  • Understanding Azure Data Factory UI
  • Data Ingestion from Blob Storage Service to Azure SQL Database
  • Data Ingestion from Azure Blob Storage to Data Lake Storage Gen2
  • Create Linked service for various data stores and compute
  • Creation of Datasets that points to file and table
  • Design Pipelines with various activities
  • Create SQL Server on Virtual Machines( On-Premise)
  • Define Copy activity and it features
  • Copy Activity-Copy Behaviour
  • Copy Activity_Data Integration Units
  • Copy Activity- User Properties
  • Copy Activity- Number of parallel copies

Module 4 : Azure Data Factory - Interation & Conditionals

  • Filter Activity
  • ForEach Activity
  • Switch Activity
  • if Condition Activity
  • Until Activity

Module 6 : Azure Data Factory - Types of Triggers

  • Stoarge Event Tigger
  • Schedule Trigger
  • Tumbling Window Trigger

Module 7 : Introduction to DataFlows

  • Filter Transformation
  • Select Transformation
  • Derived Column Transformation
  • Aggregator Transformation
  • Join Transformation
  • Union Transformation

Azure Data Factory Regular Class Practice Sessions

  • Session1_Introduction to Azure Data Factory_Key Components
  • Session2_ Azure Data Factory_Key Components
  • Session3_Dynamically Ingest Data from Multiple Files to Multiple Tables
  • Session4_Ingest Data From Multiple Files with Same Structure to Single Table
  • Session5_Introduction to GetMetadata Activity
  • Session6_Bulk Ingestion of Files To Tables by validating File Existence in Storage
  • Session7_Bulk Ingestion of Data from Tables to Files Using Config File
  • Session8_Filter File Formats_Bulk Ingestion into Data Lake
  • Session9_Create Folders Dynamically based on File's Last Modified Date
  • Session10_Create_Create Folders Dynamically based on Each File's Last Modified Data
  • Session11_Insert the Metadata about a storage Container Dynamically using Parameterized Stored Procedure
  • Session12_Azure Key Vault Integration with ADF Resource
  • Session13_Pipeline Execution_Success Audit log and Failure Audit Log
  • Session14_Automation Of Pipeline Execution Using Schedule Trigger
  • Session15_Automation Of Pipeline Execution Using Storage Event Trigger
  • Session16_Copy Data from On-Premise SQL Server to ADLS Gen2 using Self hosted IR
  • Session17_Copy Data from On-Premise File System to Azure SQL Database using Self hosted IR
  • Session18_Data Ingestion_Email Notifications Using Logic Apps Service
  • Session19_Implementation of Delta or Incremental Load Using Watermark Approach
  • Session20_Azure Data Factory With REST API Integration
  • Session21_Azure_System Assigned Managed Identity Walkthrough
  • Session22_User AssignedManaged Identity Walkthrough

Azure Data Factory_Assignments & Case Studies

  • ADF_Assignment1_Create Azure Blob Storage Account_Dala Lake Storage Gen2 Account
  • ADF_Assignment2_Create Azure SQL Database Instance
  • ADF_Assignment3_Data Ingestion_Copy Data Tool(CDT)
  • ADF_Assignment4_Add New Columns While Copying Data
  • ADF_Assignment5_CopyData Activity_Executepipeline Activity_ADLS Gen2_SQLDB
  • ADF_Assignment6_FilterFileFormats based on File Size and Delete Files from Source Storage
  • ADF_Assignment7_Insert Metadata_Get Metadata_Stored Procedure Activity
  • ADF_Assignment8_Insert Metadata_About CSV Files in Azure Storage_Get Metadata_Stored Procedure Activity
  • ADF_Assignment9_CopyData Activity_Linked Service_Dataset_Pipeline Parameters_Copy Multiple Files_To_Tables
  • ADF_Assignment10_Copy Data Activity_Copy Behaviour
  • ADF_Assignment11_Snowflake_Integration
  • ADF_Assignment12_Snowflake_To_ADLS_Gen2_StagedCopy
  • ADF_Assignment13_ADF_AWS_S3_Bucket_Integration
  • ADF_Assignment14_GCP_To_ADLS_Gen2_Integration
  • ADF_Assignment15_Dataflows_Rank Transformation
  • ADF_Assignment16_Dataflows_Parse Transformation
  • ADF_Assignment17_Dataflows_Stringfy Transformation
  • ADF_Assignment18_Dataflows_SurrogateKey_Transformation
  • ADF_Assignment19_Dataflows_Windows Transformation
  • ADF_Assignment20_Dataflows_Coniditional Split_Transformation
  • ADF_Assignment21_Dataflows_Aggregator_Sorter Transformation
  • ADF_Assignment22_Dataflows_Lookup Transformation
  • ADF_Assignment23_Dataflows_Exists Transformation
  • ADF_Assignment24_REST API Integration
  • ADF_Assignment25_Data Activity_Filter By Last Modified Date
  • ADF_Assignment26_Data Activity_Copy behaviour_Preserve Hierarchy_Flatten Hierarchy_Merge Files
  • ADF_Assignment27_Copy Data Activity_Filter By Last Modified Date_Dynamic Date Expressions
  • ADF_Assignment28_Copy Data from JSON File To Azure SQL Database Table
  • ADF_Assignment29_Execute Copy Data Activity based on File Count in the Container
  • ADF_Assignment30_Copy Data Activity_List of Files Configuration
  • ADF_Assignment31_Dataflows_Flatten Transformations
  • ADF_Assignment32_Dataflows_Pivot Transformations
  • ADF_Assignment33_Databricks Notebook_Integration with Azure Data Factory
  • ADF_Assignment34_Thumbling Window Trigger_Introduction
  • ADF_Assignment35_Implement_Thumbling Window Trigger
  • ADF_Assignment36_Differences Between Debug VS Tigger Now
  • ADF_Assignment37_Row Format Storage Internals
  • ADF_Assignment38_Columnar Format Storage Internals
  • ADF_Assignment39_Copy Data_On-premise File System To ADLS Gen2
  • ADF_Assignment40_Copy Data from On-premise To Azure Cloud Storages
  • ADF_Assignment41_Copy Data Activity_Excel File Formats
  • ADF_Assignment42_Copy Data Activity_Excel File Formats_Lookup Activity_Pipeline Variables
  • ADF_Assignment43_Copy Data Activity_XML File Formats
  • ADF_Assignment44_Insert the Metadata about a storage Container Dynamically using Parameterized Stored Procedure
  • ADF_Assignment45_Introduction To Slowly Changing Dimensions
  • ADF_Assignment46_Implementation of SCD Type1 Dimension
  • ADF_Assignment47_SCD Type2 Introduction
  • ADF_Assignment48_SCD Type2 Implementation
  • ADF_Assignment49_Copy Data from Azure Blob Storage To ADLS Gen2
  • ADF_Assignment50_Copy Data from Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 To Azure SQL Database
  • ADF_Assignment51_Copy Data from Multiple Files(ADLS Gen2) To Multiple Tables(Azure SQL DB)
  • ADF_Assignment52_Copy Data Activity_Source File Path Type Configurations
  • ADF_Assignment53_Execution of Copy Data Activity based on File Count in the Container
  • ADF_Assignment54_Data Ingestion from JSON File Format to Table
  • ADF_Assignment55_Data Ingestion Using Copy Data Tool(CDT)
  • ADF_Assignment56_Create Dataflows_Select_Filter_Derived Column Transformation
  • ADF_Assignment57_Create Dataflows_Select_Filter_Derived Column Transformation
  • ADF_Assignment58_Create Dataflows_Join_Union Transformation
  • ADF_Assignment59_Configure_AzureDevOps GIT with Azure_Data_Factory

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